
內分泌科 · 游能俊診所



  • 游能俊診所院長
  • 宜蘭縣愛胰協會榮譽理事長
  • 宜蘭縣愛胰協會榮譽理事長



  • 糖尿病衛教(Diabetes education)
  • 糖尿病標竿管理及品質促進(Benchmarking and quality improvement in diabetes)
  • 血糖自我監測(Self monitoring of blood glucose)


  • 《醣胖:醣胖:最被忽略的老化風險,新生活型態養出活力慢老,減脂、增肌、平小腹、控血糖》
  • 《游能俊醫師的133低醣瘦身餐盤》
  • 《做對這些事,糖尿病好控制(Q&A好讀增訂版)》
  • 《人生不慌糖:跟著游醫師聰明控糖 × 360 °全方位自我血糖監測》
  • 《糖譜:別怕糖尿病 血糖控制自己來》



  • 您可於星期一到星期五 ,來電與衛教師討論與諮詢:03 955 6670
  • 早上:0730~1200下午:1430~1730





  1. Yu NC, Su HS, Tsai ST, Lin BJ, Shiu RS, Hsieh YC, Sheu WH-H. ABC control of diabetes: Survey data from National Diabetes Health Promotion Centers in Taiwan. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice 2009;84:194-200
  2. Yu NC. Long term follow up of hemoglobin A1c in 13 cases with G6PD deficiency in a diabetes clinic, Symposium of A1C in diagnosis and clinical implication, Chinese Taipei Diabetes Association, Nov/11/2010, Oral presentation
  3. Yu NC,Chen S-M, Li Y-H, F S-H. Survey Of Subcutaneous Lipohypertrophy In 514 Insulin Treated Patients, 6th International Huaxia Congress of Endocrinology, Dec/10/2010, Oral presentation.
  4. Tsai ST, Yu NC, Lin Boniface J, Tai TY. Glucose Profile by Self-Monitoring, ISBN:9789862412268, Common Wealth Magazine, Taipei, Nov/2010



  1. Early screening of diabetic nephropathy and referral, Annual meeting of Chinese Taipei Diabetes Association, Mar/17/2007
  2. Changing partnerships in diabetes care, Diabetes Forum, Annual meeting of Taiwanese Association of Diabetes Educators , July/7/2007
  3. Taiwan Treatment Indicators of Diabetes-Status Review Diabetes Forum, Annual meeting of Taiwanese Association of Diabetes Educators , July/12/2008
  4. The Importance of Productive Interactions between Health Care Professionals and Patients in Diabetes Care, Annual meeting of Taiwanese Association of Diabetes Educators , July/4/2009
  5. Recommendation of SMBG for non-insulin treated patients from IDF guideline , Annual meeting of Taiwanese Association of Diabetes Educators , July/4/2010
  6. Referral and integrated care for diabetic nephropathy: rationale and feasibility, 2011 Kidney Forum, National Health Research Institutes ,Jan/2011
  7. Incorporate the role of gut system in diabetes education, Annual meeting of Chinese Taipei Diabetes Association, Mar/12/2011
  8. Reach the goal of glycemic control safely without hypoglycemia, Annual meeting of Taiwan Association of Family Medicine, July/3//2011
  9. New Insights of DPP4 Inhibitors- Focus on Vidagliptin, Annual meeting of Taiwan Association of Family Medicine, July/13/2011
  10. Improving Diabetes Care – Overcome psychological barrier : DAWN Taiwan experience sharing, Annual meeting of Taiwanese Association of Diabetes Educators , July/9/2011



  1. Clinical Practice Guideline for Postprandial Hyperglycemia, Chapter 7 Monitoring of post prandial glucose, Chinese Taipei Diabetes Association, Sep/2009
  2. Diabetes Clinical Practice Guideline 2010, Chapter 10-2 Self Monitoring Blood Glucose, Chinese Taipei Diabetes Association, Mar/2010
  3. Core Curriculum of Diabetes Education, Taiwanese Association of Diabetes Educators , May/2010
  4. Clinical Practice Guideline of Continuous Subcutaneous Insulin Infusion, Taiwanese Association of Diabetes Educators , July/2011
  5. Clinical Practice Guideline of Continuous Glucose Monitoring, Taiwanese Association of Diabetes Educators , July/2011



  • 中國醫藥大學


  • 新陳代謝科主任


  • 新陳代謝科主任


  • 協同主持人


  • 理事長


